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Tips For Being A Valuable Webmaster

Tips For Being A Valuable Webmaster

A website of a company is very important as it mirrors what a company is. It should not be complicated but it should be very easy to use. Web sites should provide the information that the user wants from it in the easiest way. In other words, we can say that the website has to be modest and at the same time influential. There are some specific tips that professional webmasters use to make their website very powerful. Here are few of them if you want to become a professional webmaster.

1.) Web Designing Tips regarding Graphics:

a) Graphics should not be very heavy. They should be light in color, as they will not connect to the user at once. A webmaster should keep this thing in mind before designing a website layout.
b) The graphics should not be fancy. That means that they should not have any kind of effects like blinking, falling down, spinning in or spinning out. A webmaster should be careful that such effects would irritate the user.
c) The size of the image should be small. Their size should not be more than 12KB to 14KB. The reason for that heavier image takes very long time to load. If the user logs on to your site and spends first 3 to 4 minutes on image loading, he will definitely quit and try to log on to some other website.
d) The graphic should connect to the content of the website. A smiling Tweety has nothing to do with the beauty tips website.

2.) Web designing tips regarding font, color balance:

a) Color and font involve the use of the website as well as what your website is about. For example, your website is about fashion trends. Most girls will log on to such a site. It should have funky colors but when you will make a fashion website for some brand, you will try to make it look classy and professional. Most webmasters use earth tones or black is in such cases. The font should be simple so that every user can understand it.
b) Balance should be regarding the color means that the colors should not be very shocking or very light of the website. If there are colors that have, neon colors in the graphics, then the background should be light or most preferable color will be white. A good webmaster uses dark tone if he wants his user to note something very important.

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3.) Web designing tips regarding balance in layout:

a) There should be a proper balance between the graphics, advertisement, font, color, and all the other things. The reason for that is your website should communicate at once, what your website really is. If it is on home improvement, it should communicate that at once when a person logs on to the website. A good webmaster will balance everything on the web page.

If you want to become a valuable webmaster, you should practice all of these tips in order to make your website attractive.

About the Author:
Kady Babs is a Certified Professional and freelance writer. At present attached with Pass Certification. This is Best Source for Cisco CCNA 640-461 exam . You can try free demos of all certifications with 100% Risk Free and Guaranteed success. Babs has creative writing skills and helping people to get certified on first try.

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