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How To Make Your Blog For Low Speed Connection?

How To Make Your Blog For Low Speed Connection?

Today the most important question is that How To Make Your Blog For Low Speed Connection?  because many people have low speed internet connection so they got anger when your blog takes a big time to load. For best designing and good looking you just design your template Heavy using JQuery, JavaScript And More Codes And Files so that your blog look beautiful but from this trick you will loose your many visitors that have low speed connection.

How Will It Works?

The ans is that if you have your blog URL like your Mobile Template URL will become Automatically but you can use this URL because on every page after clicking this it will lead your visitor to direct main page or Home and they have to search again there required post so i just hack this URL and make him short but valuable. Now on any page after clicking this URL your visitor got that page in Mobile Template At the spot.

How To Active Mobile Template?

Read Out Our Previous Post About “How To Open Blog Mobile Template For Blogspot/Blogger?“.

How To Make Your Blog For Low Speed Connection?


1.) Simple HTML Code.
2.) No JQuery Or JavaScript Added.
3.) Quick To Load And Easy To Install.
4.) Simple Design And Will Be Adjustable With Our Other Widgets.
5.) It Will Redirect EveryPage To It’s Mobile Template.
6.) Mobile Template Have Low Data.
7.) It Will Save Users Bandwidth.
8.) Will Help To Your User To Load Your Page Quick.
9.) You Can Select Any Mobile Template For This.
10.) Fully Customizable.
11.) Best For OnPageSEO.
12.) Adjustable With Your Template Design.

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How To Use This Code:

Today i will tell you how to manage both internet speed user at a time. First you should choose a place where your blog visitor have a first look when it will come on your blog like i use stick bar with close button so that if visitor want to close it, he can do it. After this use this text with html URL in your sticky bar.(Don’t Change URL)

If You Have A Low Connection, Please <a href="?m=1"> Click Here </a> To See Mobile Template.

Now I will tell you what will happen. When visitors come on your blog post if they have good internet connection they will use your heavy design template but if they have low speed connection they just click on this link and your post will redirect to simple design template(Mobile Template) which will load quickly ever.

Best Widget To Display This Code Is:

1.) 100% Free Hulo Bar For Blogger And Website With CSS Only
2.) Fixed Top Bar With Close Button For Blog And Website

Last Words:

From this process, you can make your low internet speed user happy to provides then a light page and save there valuable time as well as bandwidth by showing the main data that they want. If You Have More Quires, Feel Free To Ask or don’t forget to leave your comment below.

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6 Responses to “How To Make Your Blog For Low Speed Connection?”

  1. Sreedhar Jeshurun says:

    Hi Hasan!
    I have a hello bar it has separate boxes for Headline, Separate box for link text and separate box for link url.

    Please give me suggestion for how to place this code in this manner.

    Thanks & Regards

    • EXEIdeas says:

      I Check Your Blog And Saw A Fixed Red Bar On The Top, I Think That Is The Better Place To Place This Line Because Visitor Have A First Sight On It.

  2. Asim Nawaz says:

    you are great

  3. Sebin Thomas says:

    Is there is anyway to show different xml template (not mobile template) to low speed connections?

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