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Latest Technology Trends That Are Evolving The Mobile App Development Industry: 2022

The mobile app development industry is rapidly rising. It’s a bar and expands multiple dimensions. Technical advancements, user prerequisites, industries demand, businesses requirement, and a wide range of other phenomena directly impact mobile app development trends.

Today, the world is experiencing a huge inclination towards mobile app adoption, and smartphones have become the key to digital media success. Mobile applications have changed the business landscape and have transformed the various aspects of businesses like operating models, marketplace rise, expanding behaviour, etc. It has been recorded that, by the end of 2022, mobile app market revenue is expected to touch $693 billion and more.

As the era is continually evolving with the latest tools and updates, it’s become arguably crucial to stay updated with the market’s latest trends.

The one who deals with the business powered by mobile apps needs to keep up with the trends to serve the latest and better to their customers. Too willing to take your brand up with the potential of mobile app development services then, the below-mentioned app development trends are targeted to take your business to new heights in 2022:

Mobile App Development Trends For 2022:

1.) IoT Integrated & Wearable Apps:

Internet of things (IoT) is a new concept but raising the heights from the past few years; hence it is not a new topic. The growing mobile app penetration across various industries has given rise to infinite opportunities for IoT. Introducing IoT is a network of interconnected devices that offer users ease and automated control over various smart devices.

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Along with IoT, the wearable is the hot phenomenon; Mobile app development is also geared towards wearable devices and unlocking massive benefits through the capabilities of wearable devices & related app development. In 2021, major groups of app developers had developed wearable applications. Various are keen to develop wearable apps in 2022 as users can download the apps and tie them all to their wrists.

2.) Rise Of 5G:

The 5G have captured millions of eyes last year has impacted the app development segment in 2021, and is projected to benefit the app development sector in 2022 and further. For app developers, resellers, and designers, 5G technology is ripped to change the way mobile apps are used to create and develop.

If we gander at the statical growth of 5G:

  • In 2021, there had been 3.5 times more 5G connections than in 2020.
  • The connections are projected to grow at triple rates in 2022.

3.) The Role Of 5G For Mobile App Development:

Speed and efficiency will improve gradually. 5G is expected to grow and deliver a 10X decrease in latency. Apps are run faster by powering the speed of 5G as 5G is 100 times faster than 4G. The incursion of 5G will broaden the various aspects and boost up the functionalities and working of mobile apps. This new storm will open the doors for developers to add multiple new features without impacting the performance of mobile apps.


4.) Apps For Foldable Devices:

Foldable devices are the new buzz and raising overall smartphone market share bars. According to the stats and figures, 50 million units will be shipped this year. So this is the time when being an app developer; you should plan a mobile app development strategy to keep foldable smartphones in mind.

Making app development for foldable devices in 2022 is quite challenging as developers should ensure that the apps run seamlessly on foldable devices.

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Foldable smartphones are carrying various benefits and will leave positive impacts on users:

  • Foldable screens have larger screens which will give a detailed and pleasant experience.
  • Users can use multiple windows and can perform multiple tasks at the same time.

5.) AI, ML  AR, And VR:

Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Augmented Reality, and Virtual reality has raised massive growth in the last few years and penetrated the mobile app development segment years ago.

When talking about AI, Alexa and Siri come into our minds. Last year Apple released Core ML 3, a machine learning framework released to help app developers to introduce AI into app development.

AR & VR is like the cherry on the cake as these technologies are ready to shape & transform the industries with the power of 3D technology.

Like Pokemon Go is experiencing AR in mobile app gaming. Industries will experience the power of these technologies, and apps will help the businesses make their services easily adaptable for the users to experience the realm while shopping, playing, and other sections.

6.) eCommerce:

The eCommerce sector has recorded a massive revenue worth $ 3.56 trillion and 72% of total sales recorded via mobile; hence mobile commerce (mCommerce) is now a rising star in app development trends.

The last two years of the pandemic have accelerated the use of mobile apps. Due to the pandemic norms, multiple industries have adopted mobile apps to run their business and render their services to users.

Ecommerce has accelerated its growth via mobile; thus, the new term launched mCommerce, and now mCommerce is the new trend of the mobile app development sector in 2022.

7.) On-Demand Apps:

On-demand, mobile app development has been one of the top trending services in the past few years. On-demand, apps are projected to grow more in 2022 and further. As the past few years have experienced a gigantic improvement in on-demand app usage, it is forecasted that on-demand apps will become the new topic and beneficial services for app developers.

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Apps like Airbnb and Uber have unlocked massive perks in the past few years.

It has been recorded that users spend $57.6 billion per year on using on-demand apps- Following are the example of on-demand apps that will further create a major impact on businesses and the economy.

  • On-demand doctor app
  • Laundry Services
  • Apps for home tutors
  • Apps for house cleanings
  • Apps for the fitness industry
  • Apps for salon

App development for the on-demand industry is expanding at best, and mobile app developers are plucking this opportunity to multiply the businesses user base.

Concluding Notes:

Instant apps, P2P apps, mLearning apps, Cloud integrations, predictive analytics, app security, Chatbots are also the latest mobile app development trends that app development companies can adopt.

The mobile app development sector is flourishing continually, and adopting these above-mentioned mobile app development trends can make or break the triumph of your project.

It’s not required to build an application using every single trend but to grasp the market knowledge is mandatory that we should keep an eye upon.

Radhika YadavAbout the Author:

Radhika Yadav is a content strategist at RipenApps- Leading App Development Company that finds covering the tech world to be an exciting and engaging experience as each day brings new and groundbreaking technologies to explore and write about. A belief that words are our most inexhaustible source of magic, makes her fortify writing pieces that enhance the visibility of any brand and help them position themselves in the best possible way.

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2 Responses to “Latest Technology Trends That Are Evolving The Mobile App Development Industry: 2022”

  1. Annabelle says:

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    • EXEIdeas says:

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