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How Is Game-Based Learning Helping Your Child Become Smarter?

With the advancement of technology, gen Z is aligning towards eLearning much more than traditional learning. And, for many parents and instructors, it is becoming a matter of concern. Many parents fear that their children will get addicted to mobile phones and computers. And many others fear that the kids will become dull. Well, these concerns are affecting the eLearning markets negatively. And so, the eLearning companies have now come up with innovative game-based learning technologies.

Gamification Learning has grown at a rapid pace in recent years. And there are solid reasons for the same. Stats show that ⅓ of the high school students in the US get depressed from academic pressure. As a result, they decide to drop out of school. Gamification can ease this scenario. As games make learning fun, learners will not get depressed when studying. So, the dropout ratio might decrease. Also, the game-based learning technologies do not make the kids dull. Instead, it increases their logical thinking capacity. How? We will discuss it in this blog.

Better Gamification Solutions = Smarter Kids:

We are not saying that every type of game-based app will have equal effects on kids. Yet certain games help in increasing logical and analytical skills. Take, for instance, Sudoku. It is one of the most simple game-based solutions but is highly effective in increasing mental maths skills. Similarly, Duolingo provides a very innovative language-learning experience using unique games and challenges. As these game-based learning solutions are very interesting, the learners often get addicted to them. And out of their addiction, they practice a lot more than expected. In this case, it yields a positive impact.

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Provides Cerebral Exercise:

Games can be used to deliver tricky exercises in a fun way. In the form of puzzles, riddles, and logical quizzes, game-based learning solutions skill up the cortical centres of our brain.

The institutions can use the result of these exercises to evaluate the aptitude and cognitive intelligence of the candidates. Also, these exercises help to increase the focus, concentration, and mental abilities of the learners.

Make Boring Topics Interesting:

Stats show that maximum use of Gamification in education has come from Maths and Language fields. And one of the primary reasons is – learners don’t want to read these subjects. So, gamification solutions are used to make them interesting.

And the results have been significantly encouraging. The game-based learning solutions have formed a habit of regular practice. As a result, the skills of the learners have improved.

Promotes Collaborative Learning:

One of the biggest problems in online learning is the lack of collaboration and peer discussion. So, institutions often use Game-based learning solutions to promote collaboration between the learners. The team members learn to work, play, and study together. Thus they can interact with each other more freely.

How Does Gamification Learning Help the Education Industry?

Educational institutions and eLearning companies often find ways to make learning interesting. And Gamification is one of the most vital tools for this purpose. So, it is used quite often for different learning purposes. Some of its uses are discussed below.

  • The gamification solutions help to increase the interest of learners in the courses. As a result, the ratings of online courses increase, hence increasing the enrollment percentage.
  • Game-based learning helps to increase competitiveness. Also, the institutions can regularly track the progress of their learners and compare them with their peers.
  • Gamification can be a good medium for instilling teamwork into the learners. The institutions can decide the learners into groups and give them group-based tasks. It will help generate a positive environment and instil team bonding.
  • The eLearning companies can develop unique courses which will help them to stand out amongst competitors. Hence, gamification solutions can play a pivotal role in the success of eLearning courses.
  • The institutions can use gamification to motivate their learners towards their studies. Games can develop an interest in studies. Research has shown that the learners who start with game-based learning gradually gain interest in that particular subject as well.


What Is The Impact Of Gamification Service Providers On Elearning Courses?

A few years ago, one of the biggest challenges faced by companies was to develop top-quality and unique gamification solutions regularly. The educational institutions and eLearning companies lacked sufficient gamification experts. And due to the lack of experts, they faced a deficit of quality gamification solutions.

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But, in the current scenario, this problem is diligently solved by the gamification service providers. The service-providing companies bring in years of experience to craft the most suitable gamification solutions. The institutions get the following benefits by outsourcing their requirements to these service providers.

  • The service-providing companies usually develop the solutions after thorough research. They study the requirements of their client’s learners, and craft customized solutions for them.
  • These companies have sufficient animation and AR – VR experts as well. Hence, the gamification solutions developed by them have very good animation quality, graphics quality, and immersive elements. It is something that the eLearning companies often fail to produce if they design the game-based solutions in-house.
  • The professional service providers always come up with fresh and innovative ideas for gamification. They do not copy from the pre-existing games. Thus, their solutions are fresh and innovative.
  • The fast-paced service helps eLearning companies to design new courses faster and in bulk quantities. Hence, they can cater to a large number of trending topics. It gives them an edge over their competitors.

Gamification Makes Kids Smarter, But The Quality Of Games Also Matter!

From the above discussion, it is clear that the game-based learning solutions help to drill the kid’s minds, hence making them smarter. But gamification has always been a double-edged sword. While good gamified solutions are quite beneficial, wrong games can be equally harmful. Wrongly designed gamification solutions can make the learners addicted to wrong habits, and can also alter their concentration and sleep levels. Hence, the proper design of the gamification solutions is of utmost importance.

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To avoid such situations, the eLearning companies and educational institutions hire Professional gamification service providers. These service-providing companies develop tailor-made games for their client’s learners. They design the gamification solutions after thoroughly considering all the relevant factors. They minimize their negative impact to maximize positive outcomes.

Hope JamesAbout the Author:

I am Hope James, working with one of the leading Gamification Learning in the US for 4 years now. Coming from a digital marketing background, she has closely witnessed the growth of gamification in education.

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