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Google +: 10 Ways To Develop A Network For Lawyers

Google +: 10 Ways To Develop A Network For Lawyers

Google Plus is a relatively new social networking platform which can be very useful for businesses. Your lawyers business can use Google + to build a very valuable network to help promote and grow your business. Many people are finding that by participating in Google plus they can also improve their sites search engine ranking position.

Google Plus is the second most popular social networking application after Facebook and this makes it worth investigating for your business. This article will look at 10 simple methods of creating a powerful network.

1.) Registering For An Account:

Before you can build any form of network using Google Plus you will first need to register for an account. This is easy and you might not even need to do so if you have a Gmail email account. If not then signup will take a few minutes where you need to fill out a few pieces of information. Once registered you can start using your Google Plus account straight away.

2.) Participating:

To get the most out of Google Plus you really must spend time participating. Read some other users posts and leave comments. If you enjoy reading something then be sure to click the +1 button which is like the Facebook like button. Leave helpful and interesting comments. This will encourage more people to visit your own posts and read them.

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3.) Share Relevant Information:

You will need to make sure that the information you are sharing on Google Plus is useful, informative and relevant. As a lawyer you will have a certain target audience, tailor your language and information to suit this audience. This will make it easier to attract more visitors to read your blog posts since they will be more interested in what you are saying.

Google +: 10 Ways To Develop A Network For Lawyers

4.) Connect to Your Website:

You can use Google Plus to easily connect back to your businesses website. This is an easy way to improve search engine listing positions and also encourage more people to visit your site. As well as this, you can also provide a link to your Google Plus profile from your website. For this you will need to use a Google Badge. Apply for a Google Badge from your Google plus account and follow the instructions to install this into your site.

5.) Brand Your Profile:

Create a professional image for your business Google Plus profile page by branding it. You can now use very large 2120 x 1192 pixel images which allow you to fit in plenty of detail. Create a professional looking design for your business so that people realize you are a serious business. It is also possible to include maps, logos and various other things in this cover image to add value.

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6.) Use Google Plus Hangouts:

Webinars can be great ways to help people with a wide variety of different topics. Creating these is normally difficult and can be expensive, but Google+ makes this very simple. You can have up to 10 users streaming the video from you which might not be particularly useful. However, you can also have the video uploaded to YouTube which makes it possible to share it with lots of people.

7.) Join A Community:

You will find that there are lots of different communities on Google+ in a wide range of different areas. You will need to choose a suitable community to join in order to boost your exposure. If you can’t find one then you can also create your own community which will allow other similar people to join.

8.) Local:

One of the best features of Google Plus for lawyers businesses is that it can be used locally. Set up your location details and then your details and posts will appear on the Google + Local Places website. This will also give your customers the ability to review your business on Google Plus which can be a very good way of making your business grow. Google is also trying to make local searching easier by incorporating it into Android and Apple software. By starting using Google+ local now you stand a good chance of benefiting even more in the future.

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9.) Google+ Sharing Button:

You can easily incorporate a Google plus sharing button into your website. This is a simple bit of code which just needs to be copied into your site. This makes it very easy for anyone to share the content you have written on their Google Plus page. This can speed up the promotion of your site.

10.) Create Websites:

Don’t just create lots of written blog posts to put onto Google Plus. You should also create plenty videos. Videos are a great way to get more people to watch. If you can create high quality helpful videos then they can also be very useful to your visitors. This may encourage them to share the videos.

Google Plus is a very quick growing social networking platform which can be very beneficial to your business. Spend time creating your profile and make sure you continue updating your posts on a regular basis. This will ensure you get the best out of the network possible.

About the Author:
Robin Fitzpatrick is blogger for Surratt Law. He likes to write on law, various legal issues related to family law and also on different SEO related topics. For More Details Please Visit –

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