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Cutting-Edge SEO Tips To Revive Your ECommerce Website

SEO – it seems like the ultimate marketing buzzword. You are more than likely to hear about it every single day. It’s with great reason, though.

SEO is a highly important aspect for any business, but especially e-commerce sites. It has the potential to elevate your sales completely. With the world turning digital, starting an e-commerce site seems like a great option. With millions of online stores floating around on the web, only a small fraction generates $1,000 or more.

With competition so high, it’s essential that e-commerce businesses use SEO to make sure they appear higher up on google search results.  Here are our top tips to ensure that you make the most out of your e-commerce venture.

Your Website:

Before we dive into SEO tips, we need to mention your actual site. Regardless of your products or advertising efforts, if the structure of your site isn’t great – you won’t make any sales.

SEO is useful for getting potential customers onto your site – once they’re on there, you have to encourage them to buy from you, all by yourself.

We recommend a clear, simple structure. Don’t overcrowd your site with anything – make the entire process easy and straightforward. Users do not want to search around for a product for an extended period.

Sidenote: Make sure your site is mobile-friendly. 79% of smartphone users have made a purchase using a mobile device.

1.) Optimize Your Product Descriptions:

Perhaps the most critical part of your e-commerce site, in terms of SEO, is your product descriptions. For this reason, make sure that your title and descriptions include natural-looking keywords, as well as explaining exactly what your offering.

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Keyword research is imperative for SEO. Your descriptions should include short and long-tail keywords. For instance, if you’re a clothing e-store, you should use short, general keywords like “halter neck,” as well as long-tail keywords like; “pink halter neck blouse” – this will attract all types of customers.

2.) META Descriptions Are Important:

META tags are still an essential aspect of SEO. It genuinely doesn’t matter what type of product you’re selling, every page on every e-commerce site needs to include SEO-friendly META titles and descriptions.

META tags have to be short and straightforward. You have around 250 characters to utilize them to the best of your ability – make the most of it. Let’s use an example:

“Discover the largest selection of fragrances and candles. Shop here for homemade candles and fragrances.”

You have to explain what you do, what you sell, and why you’re unique. Don’t try to provide too much information or elaborate too heavily. Your customers will find out the details once they click on your site.

3.) Don’t Ignore ALT Image Tags:

Once you’ve added the photos onto your site, never overlook the option to place in an ALT image tag. This little extra time into adding a few keywords will help your products appear on Google Image search results.

Image ALT tags should be one of the first things you consider when creating your e-commerce site. Many fail to recognize their importance – which can be a critical mistake.

4.) Use Internal Links Throughout Your Site:

Internal linking helps profoundly with SEO – by boosting page views and helping Google to index your pages. In short, it will boost your page ranking on search engines.

Many e-commerce sites add an array of internal links to their website, with the use of related products. For instance, ASOS uses provides its customers with multiple clothing options that are related to the one that the user is looking at.

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However, you can also link category pages or blogs around your site.


5.) Create A Blog:

On that note, let’s consider one of the most important things for SEO success – a blog.

Many e-commerce sites disregard creating a blog – which is a substantial error. A great blog section, filled with well-written long-form content is one of the best marketing techniques that you can use. Websites with a blog have, in general, 434% more indexed pages than those without.

The best tip we can give you, regarding writing content, is to plan it beforehand. Before you get too caught up in keyword research, make sure you have a great baseline for the content you will be producing.

Make sure your blog posts aren’t overtly sales-related. They shouldn’t be directly promotional. Rather, they should be informative and insightful. Showcase your knowledge of the industry to your customers.

A bonus of blog posts is that you may also get social media shares. This will introduce your brand to others on Facebook or Twitter, for example. It’s a win-win situation.

6.) Video Content Still Helps With SEO:

How does video help with SEO? It’s a common question – it’s specifically confusing as videos don’t use written words.

With content, it’s all about sharing – again, social media plays a big part in marketing. With videos and podcasts becoming the go-to form of content that users interact with, it could be worth considering.

Don’t forget to include captions and great titles for your videos. You might notice that videos still show up on google search results. Thus, using keywords in your titles still benefits SEO.

7.) Understand How Varied SEO Is Now:

Ten years ago, the number one result on Google was the number one SEO result. The landscape and function of search engines and SEO have completely changed.

The number one search result can mean multiple things. For instance, paid AdWords, Google shopping, or featured snippet – just to name a small fraction.

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Not to mention, the SEO result also changes based on the location you’re in, and the device that you’re using. You’ll also be aware that the number one result has been drowned out by paid ads.

8.) Use Tools:

The good news is, regardless of how crazy or hectic SEO is – there are tools to help.

From keyword researchers and SEO plugins, it’s not all that difficult to master SEO. Even very basic free SEO tools can still elevate your marketing efforts.

We recommend Google Webmaster Tools. Not only do they let you know when your e-commerce site is weak or strong, but it will also know when you’re missing an opportunity.

For instance, if a keyword has a lot of impressions and you haven’t even noticed.

9.) Check Out Your Competitors:

It can always be beneficial to check out your competitors. For SEO, you can see what types of keywords or content your competitors are using, to help with your own efforts.

Ahrefs, a fantastic tool, helps with checking out your competitors by looking at their search engine rank, it also shows which keywords they are using.

However, be very careful when monitoring your competitors. There’s always a risk that they have less of an idea as you do. Use it more as inspiration, and use tools, like Ahrefs, to make sure you’re not taking the wrong advice.


We hope these simple yet extremely effective, tools help with your SEO efforts.

SEO doesn’t have to be a difficult concept to perfect – with the right research and the best tools, you’ll sail through it – and reach your SEO goals.

Melanie SovannAbout the Author:

Melanie Sovann, born in 1990 in the greater LA area, is a seasoned writer and blogger, passionate about a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from technology to sociology. She is currently a writer and editor at Grab My Essay and loves every second of it.

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