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Is SMS Marketing An Effective Way For Promoting Your Business?

SMS marketing is an interesting marketing activity that not too many marketers or businessmen dare to explore. This particular communication channel has an amazing potential that is frequently left untapped by modern businesses, mainly due to the lack of knowledge or the lack of experience.

Quite frankly, SMS marketing comes with lots of benefits. However, if it isn’t done properly, it will backfire and cause significant damage to your brand’s reputation.

In today’s post, we’ll be discussing the main reasons why SMS marketing is a goldmine promotion strategy for your brand while also tackling the downsides and the pitfalls that you should avoid while practicing it. Take some notes and make sure you implement it all!

The Benefits Of SMS Marketing:

  • You can significantly improve your relationship with your prospects. Because everyone uses a phone and there’s phone signal almost everywhere you go, your SMS recipients will always be notified of your message. SMS is much more private than social media or e-mail.
  • You can leverage SMS to generate word of mouth. “Whenever you send an interesting/helpful SMS, your recipients can easily forward that to their friends, relatives, and close ones. This will generate word of mouth marketing faster than you can ever imagine.” – Mark Bucci, founder of Write My Essay.
  • It’s quick, effective, and flexible. Just like email marketing, SMS marketing allows you to reach a lot of people at the same time, through the use of simple automation. After you set a campaign up, you can simply watch your SMS marketing tools do the work for you.
  • SMS marketing is very affordable. Compared to other marketing and advertising methods, SMS marketing won’t take too much of your budget, allowing you to spend your money on something else.
  • Setting up, organizing, and managing an SMS campaign is easy. Unlike email marketing, SMS marketing is much simpler. You don’t have to segment anything, no complicated rules, and not a lot of hustle. Remember – you’ve got only 160 characters to “play” with!
  • Improved customer support. If you’re offering customer service, letting your prospects know that you’re always reachable through SMS is a great way to collect feedback while helping prospective customers with their problems and needs.
  • SMS marketing is measurable and optimizable. You can keep track of your SMS open rates and figure out what numbers (people) read your messages. You can also track the link clicks, the time when your messages are being opened and more. Again, you should probably look for a professional SMS marketing analytics tool as soon as possible.


The Disadvantages Of SMS Marketing:

  • An text message can contain up to 160 characters. Twitter marketing is very similar – you can only write a limited number of words on each post. This feature forces you to be quick and concise, yet it can often represent a disadvantage. Not being able to convey your full message is often a problem, so you’ll have to get used to the short number of max words.
  • You cannot include any media content. Pictures, videos, graphics, sounds, or other types of media are out of the question, so you’ll have to communicate effectively using text only. A custom essay writing service is a great place to seek writers and editors that do well with short texts.
  • People from your SMS list might not be able to reach you. Well, not every person can send SMS, as their phone and internet plan might not offer it. In this instance, people will not be able to interact and you won’t be able to gather that juicy feedback.
  • If you don’t have permission to send SMS and you’re still sending it, it’s going to be bad. Simpler put, since the GDPR laws and Article 13 have become a thing, every single marketer should align to the new rules. In SMS marketing, getting reported for intrusively sending messages to people who haven’t requested it is the norm. You can end up with a lawsuit sooner than you might ever think, so don’t risk it!
  • Getting people to sign up to your SMS list is getting harder and harder. Many people protect their SMS inbox from spam because that is probably the only place where advertisers can’t easily reach you. To turn random prospects into leads, you’ve got to make sure that your SMS marketing campaign is offering a lot of value!
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Final Words:

SMS marketing is not sustainable and effective for all businesses. Start by figuring out whether your target audience is likely to enjoy this type of communication, and continue by aligning your audience’s preferences with your concise business goals.

Start testing the waters by sending SMS to a small segment of your list and measure the performance of your strategy and campaign. If it works, optimize and scale it. If it doesn’t, test again, and again, up until you realize that you should probably look for another way. Best of luck!

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