Blogging is undoubtedly a challenging and rewarding activity. Many people are already investing in it because of the reward it offers. According to Internet marketers, blogging is truly an effective network to promote a business online because it gives a good amount of return of investment. It can help you increase your profit and gain more customers effortlessly.
However, success in blogging is not like a piece of cake. You have to be knowledgeable about it and knows what NOT to do in managing your blog site. Some businesses and entrepreneurs just jumped right into blogging without knowing how to run their blog efficiently. So instead of establishing their brand’s credibility they end up making critical mistakes that hurt their businesses. In order to know the RIGHT ways to blogging stardom, you must know first the WRONG ways so you can avoid it.
Table of Contents
1.) Using Blogs As A Pressure Sale Tactic:
Do not write to sell but write to gain trust. Readers and visitors are not easily pleased especially when your blog site does not look trustworthy. Instill credibility by posting contents that are helpful and valuable to lurker and internet users. Write about interesting things and avoid publishing boring and dull business promotions. People put their trust to someone who is worthy of it. How you can earn it? Connect with them and prove them that you are a sincere and honest human being.
2.) Ignoring Your Blog Readers’ Interest And Needs:
Readers interaction is an essential factor in successful blogging. You don’t just share information or give advice, you should also know how to build conversation and show some appreciation. If you know how to communicate well with your visitors, it would increase your website’s traffic and that means more source of profit.
3.) Lack Of Time And Commitment:
Consistency is a must in blogging. You have to keep updating your blog if you don’t want to lose your avid readers and potential visitors. If you start a blog make sure to commit on it. Do not just publish any content, spend time writing good and quality blog posts and do it in a regular basis. Once you do this, your readers will surely keep coming back in your site and they would turn eventually as paying customers.
4.) Not Putting Enough Effort In Networking Your Blog:
No man is an island so does “blog”. You have to learn how to connect and promote your website through the use of social media. Do not just rely on the visitors who accidentally stumbled your website. Make an effort to join some social networking sites to attract more audience. To get far in blogging, take your website in social media and you’ll see how it brings wonder in your website traffic and increase your sales.
5.) Neglecting Your Blog’s Appearance:
The appearance of your blog is as important as your content. You have to set it up attractively to make your posts look good and to invite more potential readers. There are already variety of templates and web designs that you can apply to your blog. Study how you can improve your blog design and do not be afraid to be creative. The design of your blog will show who you are.
6.) Thinking Blog Is An Easy Road To Riches:
Earning lots and lots of money from blogging doesn’t happen overnight. You have to work hard on it and wait patiently. In establishing authority, building readership, and making best contents requires passion, patience, and perseverance. Writing a single blog post is easy but making more of it would really take time. Do not rush things. You will get the reward of your hard work once you’ve successfully put up a good foundation.
7.) Nothing New Or Valuable To Share:
Readers easily get bored and if they feel that they are not getting any new information or help from your website they stop quickly. To keep your audience to continuously read your blog, you need to do your research. Gather or collect information from various sources, do not forget to fact-check, and always be abreast of the changes in your target niche.
Amber Stanley is a researcher and feature writer at She is a blogger, book lover, and traveler. She loves to write about education, social media, lifestyles, and careers.
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