You Are Viewing Monthly Archive: January 2023


4 IT Services Your Business Needs Today At Earliest

Technology is a huge part of any business. Without it, operations can run inefficiently and cost your business money, time, and opportunities. Investing in the right IT services ensures that your business runs smoothly, efficiently, and effectively. Let’s take a look at 4 key IT services for busin...

NoIndex/NoFollow For Specific Author Posts In WordPress Without Plugin?

If you don’t want to index specific posts and pages, categories, and tags of your site, there are two methods to do so. The easiest one is by disallowing through robots.txt. The second is by adding meta tags to disallow pages/posts globally. In the manual method, we will add the below meta tag to ...

JavaScript JSON Color Formatter With Expandable Toggle

This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create JSON formatted with a tree view. It uses JSON.stringify() method to convert a JavaScript object or value to a JSON string. You can input JSON data and view it in the well-formatted collapsible tree view. Besides this, the interface comes with all nece...

How To Use Telegram In Banned Countries Without Using VPN?

Are you looking for Telegram Proxy for Banned Countries? Yes, so I show you how to use telegram in Banned Countries without VPN. This guide helps you to fix the telegram connecting problem in Banned Countries. From 2021, you can use Telegram in Banned Countries without VPN. You don’t even need to ...

Dark Mode Theme Switch Button On Full Website With sessionStorage

This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a dark mode toggle button with local storage to save dark mode settings. The toggle button adds a class name to the body element and changes the whole page styles accordingly. It uses sessionStorage to get the dark mode status to determine whether it ...

Why Is Blogging Important For Digital Marketers?

Blogging can be a powerful tool for digital marketers as it helps to attract and engage potential customers and build a strong online presence for a brand. There are various ways through which blogging can be beneficial for digital marketing strategy. Blogging can help improve a website’s sear...

Social Media Marketing In 2023: 6 Trends To Double-Tap On

Social media is, in today’s world, not just a platform for socializing and people posting about their daily lives. It has become an outstanding tool for businesses and advertisers to target and influence the lives of existing and potential customers. Companies need to keep in touch with the latest...