You Are Viewing Monthly Archive: November 2022


Pure Vanilla JavaScript CountDown Timer With Timer Bar

Sometimes, you’re going to need to build a JavaScript countdown clock. You may have an event, a sale, a promotion, or a game. You can build a clock in raw JavaScript rather than reaching for the nearest plugin. While there are many great clock plugins, here are the benefits you’ll get from using...

Get Difference In Two Dates In Days, Hours, Minutes And Seconds In JavaScript

Today, we will learn to calculate the time difference between two dates in days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Either you are receiving values in the JS variable, or you are calling an AJAX request, this tutorial will help you in both situations. We will also display the hours, minutes, and seconds i...

5 Reasons To Hire A Professional For Kitchen Renovations

When you’re ready to renovate your kitchen, taking on the project yourself is tempting. After all, it seems simple enough—just a couple of cabinets and countertops, some appliances and plumbing fixtures, right? But before you break out your hammer and start whacking away at walls and cabinets, t...

How To Start A Blog On WordPress? Step By Step Guide To Begin With

Do you want to create a blog on WordPress? Well, you have landed in the right place because here in this post, we will tell you about the complete process of creating a blog on WordPress. Blogs are an important part of a digital marketing strategy, but it is not easy to start a new […]...

Seven Ways To Protect Someone From Stealing Your Brilliant App Concept

Since the development of the first app, it’s been a long time. But the idea and prospects of setting up and creating a new app excite users. It is an account for the leading mobile store apps with a significant number of app downloads each year. It is a solid side to show that the […]...

6 Ways Blockchain Can Help Your Logistics Company To Grow

Logistics in the blockchain is one of the expanded sectors that have its own challenges and limitations. Though it appears to be a lucrative process, many shipping corporations are encountering substantial losses due to unnecessary expenditures and counterproductive practices that include cargo crim...

How Do I Set Up A CDN Server With G-Core Labs?

Growing a business in a digital environment requires ideal ways to communicate with customers. The slightest delay in website loading frustrates potential customers. With the high level of competition in e-commerce, they don’t have to wait for a slow website to load if competitors’ platf...