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Trending Most Used Top 10 Essential SEO Tips For Beginners

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, can be one of the most effective ways to increase the number of visitors you have to your website. However, if you don’t know what you’re doing, it can also be one of the most time-consuming tasks to get right, as every minor adjustment to your strategy could take weeks to see any noticeable changes in traffic flow. To help ensure you get the most out of your SEO efforts, consider implementing some of these essential SEO tips that beginners should know before getting started.

1.) Use Your Keywords As Anchor Text:

Use your target keywords as anchor text on your internal links when creating content. Anchor text is what someone sees when they hover over a link. For example, suppose you were targeting an SEO Company in Mumbai. In that case, you might use anchor text like SEO services Mumbai or SEO Company in Mumbai to help boost your SEO scores with search engines. As you write new content, ensure that each new piece of writing has some of your keywords embedded within it.

2.) Create A List Post About Your Topic:

List posts are one of the most popular types of content on social media. These posts rank very well on Google and can be shared with great ease, so it’s easy to see why they’re so effective. Make a list-post based on your topic—there are bound to be at least ten tips that you can include in your list! Make sure you don’t have too many items listed. The more you have, the less shareable your post will be.

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3.) Have At Least 500 Words In Each Blog Post:

This one is a little basic, but it’s critical. When you’re in your early career and starting a business, you need to have at least 500 words for each of your posts. If you can get up to 1000 or more, that’s even better. Your readers want quality content from blogs like yours; there are many people out there who want fast results without having to put in any effort on their end. Your goal should be providing them with value—so make sure every post has enough text so that visitors don’t just breeze through them and move on without taking anything away from it.

4.)Optimize Images For Better Ranking:

Because image search has become so popular, it’s vital to optimise your images. The first thing you want to do is add descriptive alt tags to each of your images. This will help both in terms of user experience as well as ranking on image search engines. Next, ensure that all of your images have descriptive file names. If one image is featured on two different pages, give them unique names based on their page title. If one page is titled Why Us? and another Our Services, provide these two different images unique names such as WhyUs-1.jpg and Services-1.jpg. Finally, don’t forget to use keyword phrases within your alt tag descriptions and filenames!

5.) Create A Sitemap:

A sitemap is a map of your website’s layout in XML, and it allows search engines to find all of your site’s pages. A sitemap also helps users navigate your site more easily. Simply put, a well-maintained and regularly updated sitemap improves your website’s chances of ranking on Google. In turn, more traffic will flow to your website. Think of a sitemap as an important SEO tool that you should use from Day 1. Create one using Yoast SEO or any other SEO plugin that supports XML Sitemaps. You can also use free online tools like Sitemaps by Google or Sitemap Generator by Build My Rank; just make sure you submit your sitemap every time you publish new content.


6.) Implement Share Buttons And Social Media Icons:

To reach your target audience and increase web traffic, you’ll need to do more than just write great articles. Optimize your website by implementing SEO tools like SEO content, meta tags, keywords tags, share buttons and social media icons. These help readers find your site easily by increasing keyword searches on search engines like Google.

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7.) Make Sure You Have Google Analytics Installed:

Google Analytics is an indispensable SEO tool, and while it may be complicated to install, it’s well worth your time. Once you have Google Analytics installed on your website, it will track traffic and visitor information on your site. Not only that, but Google Analytics is free. Paying a business to do what you can do yourself saves time and money in the long run.

8.) Have An Autoresponder Set-Up:

Start with a basic autoresponder, which you can use to send a customer’s first email to them immediately. You can even set up an auto-responder so that after a specific amount of time (such as two weeks) or when someone reaches out via email, they are redirected to an onboarding page on your website where you can answer any questions and give them an overview of what to expect from your business.

9.) Include Social Media Profiles On Your Website:

Even if you don’t have a large following, including social media profiles on your website is important. Doing so tells search engines that you’re more active on social media and gives them more to talk about in their search results. It also makes it easier for people to find you. If a potential customer can reach out to you via Twitter or Facebook instead of email, they’re more likely to do so—and turn into customers faster than they would otherwise.

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10.) Comment On Other People’s Posts:

When you comment on other people’s posts, you show that you are an active member of your target audience. Comments also put your brand in front of potential clients when they see your comment pop up on their newsfeed. Make sure to include a link to your website and show yourself as an authority in your industry by adding insights from books, articles or studies that back up what you say.


SEO is a highly complex process, even if you understand all of its terms and definitions. An SEO agency can help your business rank higher in search engines like Google and Bing. They will use essential SEO tips to boost website traffic to increase sales and revenue. If you need assistance, contact an SEO company in Mumbai to get started today!

Hardik ModyAbout the Author:

Hardik Mody is a Digital Marketing Manager. He plans and coordinates marketing activities of ValueHits, a full-service Digital Marketing Agency in Mumbai, India. With his experience and Expert knowledge in the field, he identifies potential customers and develops marketing campaigns. Also, he is efficient enough to meet the client’s requirements and well-organized in handling Multiple tasks.

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26 Responses to “Trending Most Used Top 10 Essential SEO Tips For Beginners”

  1. Janvi Sahoo says:

    Such a detailed article and the way this information is provided is just the next level. I loved this article. Keep going.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you with more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks again..

  2. Camera Store says:

    Needed, these tips are essential for optimization.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you with more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks again..

  3. Raaj Kumar says:

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    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you with more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks again.

  4. GVK Edutech says:

    Wow it was the best content blog ever I have seen thanks for Posting the right information.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you with more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks again.

  5. Good Post. Thanks to shared your Amazing Information.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you with more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks again.

  6. RAU IAS says:

    Really amazing post. learn allot from here, waiting for the upcoming post.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you with more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks again.

  7. HamptonInn says:

    Great Post. Thanks to shared the Amazing Information.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you with more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks again.

  8. RSOFT says:

    Finally, don’t forget to use keyword phrases within your alt tag descriptions and filenames!

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you with more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks again.

  9. Career Beacon says:

    thanks for this great stuff

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you with more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks again.

  10. DigitalEdify says:

    A perfect piece of information. This information has been immensely helpful. Thank you for writing this wonderful article.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you with more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks again.

  11. Artzn says:

    A perfect piece of information. This information has been immensely helpful. Thank you for writing this wonderful article.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you with more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks again.

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    This is such a wonderful blog. The whole concept is written very perfectly

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you with more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks again.

  13. Mark says:

    Great post , good infromation, keep blogging

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you with more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks again.

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