You Are Viewing Monthly Archive: January 2022


Ionic Vs. Flutter Which Is More Perfect For Your Mobile App?

Selecting a hybrid framework with a desired set of functionality and that too within your budget could be stressful and daunting. It is worth mentioning here that every framework differs based on various parameters. While selecting the appropriate framework, you need a comprehensive analysis on the ...

How To Get User Location (Lat/Long) Using Pure JavaScript?

Detecting the location of your users can be really useful if you want to personalize your user’s experience when they browse through your website. Want to show a uniquely tailored promotion? Want to change the language of your site or design based on where your users are coming from? Lots of websi...

How To Stop Highlighting A Web-Page Using Pure CSS Code?

After my previous article that is “How To Disable Highlighting The Text From DIV, Blog And Website?” I am here to share the CSS version that is also better than that in some ways that are quick to load than that and also will work on JavaScript blocker because it is not a JavaScript code...

How To Add New Twitter Summary Cards In Your Blog Correctly?

In the below post, I will teach you how to set your blog for a Twitter card. Some others do but they failed because of wrong meta tags that will mess up their blogs and look completely shits in Twitter cards. As you know that Twitter recently released a Twitter card for a site that […]...

What Is Search Quality Rater Guidelines October 2021 Update & Why It Matters?

See what’s happening in YMYL content, ‘least page quality,’ and then some, Google added 5 amendments to its Search Quality Raters Guidelines changelog. With a brief explanation of each one in its changelog, Google announced five updates to its Search Quality Raters Guidelines (QRGs...

How To Detect Internet Connection Using Toast Notification In JavaScript?

The question is that how to check or detect Internet Connection while the user is browsing your website using HTML CSS & JavaScript. In this tutorial, we will use Toast Notification to detect internet connection with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Here, We have shown you or taught you how you can ch...

JavaScript Simple Clock JS Code For Blog And Website

Hi to all people who love JavaScript or who will love it soon! On this website, you are going to find out the best JavaScript Codes for free! And you will be able to learn and use them in your blogs and websites. Check out these very nice and useful JavaScript codes, JavaScript code is […]...