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22 Tips To Increase Your Website Traffic For Making More Sales

How to get targeted website traffic? In the modern world, it is very important for you to know the ways and means by which to attract the right people to your site. There are a lot of methods to do them. But there is no point in trying to complicate matters so we have taken the crux of the methods and given them here.

Follow these traffic building methods and you will know how to get targeted website traffic for making more sales.

1.) Search Engines:

This tip is probably not new to you and you probably have already submitted your website to search engines, but anyways search engines are a very important part of any site.

Take for example they get 50% of their traffic from and other search engines. What I’m basically saying is that if you want traffic the first thing on your list is to submit your sitemap to search engines.

2.) Link Exchange:

Link exchanges are great for pulling in traffic. When you have a link exchange you are basically combining the persons you’re doing the link exchange with traffic with yours. That might have sounded confusing so I made this diagram to help.

Traffic (Your Site) + Traffic (Linked Websites Traffic) = MORE TRAFFIC

There are many link exchanges but some are free and some you have to pay. One of my favourites that is free is Very easy to use and I highly recommend it.

3.) Forums:

Now using forums to gain traffic is one of the most common methods I use and for two reasons. One it’s free, two it works every time. So here’s how you do it. Now before you go busting into someone’s forums you might want to read this.

  • Find a forum related to your website like if your website is about music you might want to get on Google and type music forum.
  • Once you found your forum make your account
  • Let the people on the forum get used to you, something that will help you do this is to post a response to every thread on the front page for two days.
  • Then you need to start your thread, don’t make it a full-out advertisement, make it like you’re giving a resource to them and helping them out. Post your link to your website and you’re done!

Now forums aren’t a great way to build lasting traffic but do expect a burst of traffic of at least 100-200 page views.

4.) Email Form:

This one’s an easy one to do but it does help to build lasting traffic. What you have to do is put a form on your homepage. This is going to be a place where they can enter their email (Don`t know how to make a form visit this link here).

So you’re probably saying how this is going to help your website. Well here’s an example: let’s say you just put the email form up and you got 500 email addresses, not bad.

Then you published a new article on how to save money but no one’s coming to see it. Well, guess what you have 500 people’s email addresses to send your article to.

5.) The More Content The Better:

Search engines love content and useful information. So that means the more information and content you have the higher your page rank is going to be with Google and other search engines.

So please don’t make the mistake that most people do which is once they are done with their website they stop writing content and don`t do that.

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You can check how your rivals are doing in the content game with tools like Semrush and Similarweb.

6.) Using YouTube:

YouTube has become one of the most visited sites on the Internet. More and more webmasters every day are discovering the power of YouTube.

YouTube allows you to put a link in your video and take the user to your site. I put up some videos related to my website and they got a couple of 1000 views. It really did surprise how much traffic YouTube pulled in.

7.) MySpace:

MySpace is perhaps the most popular social networking site on the Internet, but it doesn’t have to be just a place for teenagers to vent or musicians to try and get discovered. As a website owner, you can turn it into a mine for virtually thousands of visitors each month.

Simply set up a page for your website or business, and give it a personal touch. By taking the time to connect with people who may visit your page, you increase your chances of getting a click through to your website.

You can also take advantage of the forums and the message functions on MySpace to contact targeted visitors, thus driving even more traffic.

8.) Twitter:

While MySpace has a mixture of those who want to network and those who are simply there for fun, Twitter is mainly focused on allowing people to network business-to-business.

You can choose to follow others and have them follow you as well. It is now possible to link your websites, blogs, or even your classified ads to Twitter for automatic updates that will let everybody know there is something new for them to check out.

The power of Twitter puts thousands of people at your fingertips at any given moment. All you have to do is type in a line or two, or even just a website link, and anyone looking at the screen at that moment will have access to it whether they are following you or not.

9.) US Free Ads:

US free ad is one of the most popular classified ad websites that is listed with Google. They offer a free classified ad service as well as a paid one.

By using the free service you can create a targeted ad that is seen by thousands of visitors, and that ranks well with the search engines too. Unlike other free classified ad sites, there is no limit to the number of ads that you can place for a certain product or website. There is huge potential in the power of this free classified ad site.

While using only one free classified ad or social networking site may not generate you a huge amount of traffic each month, using several together can play a massive role in driving targeted traffic.

The power of these websites can’t be denied, and the millions of visitors they get each month are wasted if you do not target them and drive them to your own site. The examples above are just a few of the sites that can be used to drive visitors to your website or product.

10.) Article Marketing:

This method consists of writing articles about specific topics and publishing them in article directories. These articles are typically optimized for a specific keyword and ideally should contain valuable content that other webmasters will want on their websites.

The articles you write would be accompanied by a byline or author bio that would tell the reader about you, but should also have a link to your website.  As webmasters pick up copies of your articles to publish on their own sites, they also agree to post a link to your website.

The traffic gained from these links would be enough reason to start an article marketing campaign; but as an added bonus, the more links pointing to your website, the higher you will rank on the search engines, bringing you additional traffic!

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11.) Blog Comments:

Making comments on popular blogs is definitely one way to generate quick website traffic. Most blogs allow visitors to post a link back to their sites after making a comment.

If the blog is busy, you could have inbound visitors in a matter of minutes. The key to making this most effective is to leave thoughtful responses or questions versus “hit and run” comments like “nice blog.”

12.) Forum Posts:

Similar to blog comments, making posts in your favourite forums can bring you almost instant traffic. There is a thin line with this method of creating traffic because it is not hard to be labelled a board spammer if you are not careful.

The best route is to visit the same forums on a regular basis and work to become a member of the community. That will give you a far better chance of other readers clicking on your signature links.

Another strategy is to make friends with someone on the forum that is already posting on a regular basis and have conversations with that person. If the conversations help to educate others in the forum, it could get a lot more people to view your profile and click on your site link.

13.) Social Marketing Sites:

Social marketing sites are another way to get quick website traffic. Some of the sites like rely heavily on you submitting interesting and unique articles. So, you have to be creative and write your own or be on the lookout for the latest story that social site readers would want to know about.

It can be a breaking news story, some kind of amazing discovery, or just very useful information. If you are really lucky, your story will become popular and you could hit the front page of the site and that will bring in a small flood of new traffic. Pay attention to what stories are most popular and use that information to submit similar style stories in the future.

14.) Pay For Advertisement:

You can receive traffic by paying for it in a few different ways. Just be certain that you understand that paying for traffic is no guarantee that you will actually receive it.

Using a Pay Per Click (PPC) program for instance can end up costing you a lot of money in a short amount of time. Malicious webmasters began to click on their competitor’s links repeatedly to drive up their cost of business.

Another problem is that if you bypass the PPC and instead go with a company that sells traffic by the hundreds or thousands, you have no idea where this traffic is coming from or if it’s even real.

You can waste a lot of money if the traffic is being made by a bot or if the company is sending you traffic from Iceland when the product is only available to Europe or the United States.

Some people also pay for traffic by paying popular websites to allow them to place a banner or link back to their site. Your ad is usually left in place for a prepaid amount of time like a week or a month. This can be a great idea because you’re not limited to pay by the number of visitors.

15.) Create A Newsletter:

You can increase your website traffic and get new or repeat visitors by offering a newsletter. Unlike your website, a newsletter is sent to visitors at your site who decide to sign up to receive it via email.

You can then pay to have someone write interesting articles, you can keep your visitors up to date with your affiliate sales, and interesting news or you can send articles from free article directories because you won’t be penalized by the search engines.

16.) Pay Attention to On-Page SEO:

Think SEO is dead? Think again. Optimizing your content for search engines is still a valuable and worthwhile practice. Are you making the most of image alt text? Are you creating internal links to new content? What about meta descriptions? Optimizing for on-page SEO doesn’t have to take ages, and it could help boost your organic traffic.

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17.) Starting & Maintaining A Blog:

A blog is a good way to show your expertise in your current niche. A blog is nothing more than a website that you update frequently, with unique content and events in your niche.

A blog has a strong potential of increasing your website traffic because they are loved by search engines and can get you the exposure of users of search engines.

18.) Advertising On Sites Related To Your Niche:

You can buy space on sites that you know your prospects will be using. For example; there is a site called that helps homeowners find out the value of their property.

They sell pay-per-click ad space on their site, if you are a real estate agent looking to advertise your product or service, this would be a great place to start because you can be sure that your target market is here.

19.) Content Marketing:

Content marketing is a way of advertising where you show your expertise in a niche by writing short informative articles and submitting them to content directories online.

Your articles are then spread all over the Internet by these top directories. You would have a link at the end of your articles pointing back to your website.

Content marketing generates some of the highest quality traffic because you can be sure that if a reader takes the time to read your whole article and click on your link, they are interested in your product or service.

20.) Take Advantage Of Free Keyword Research:

Search engines need to know what your site is about in order to send targeted traffic. And you need to know what people are actively searching for so you can build pages using keywords people search for.

21.) Viral Marketing:

Viral marketing is a highly effective method of generating traffic to your website. The great thing is the traffic you get is from people who have seen your work and are eager for more. If done properly, viral marketing has the potential to generate traffic to your website for years. However, it requires some work on your part.

You need to create a top-notch ebook or report or even software. Make sure that the product is highly valuable and over-delivers in every way. Brand the product with the URL you are trying to generate traffic for and then… give it away free.

You can give it away, either via an opt-in form on your website [you give them the ebook or software in exchange for their emails] or you can have a joint venture with another affiliate marketer with an opt-in list and give it away as a freebie to that list.

22.) Website Appearance:

In addition to the aforementioned ways of increasing sales, you should consider the appearance of your website itself. What does your header look like? Is it appealing? Colours are important too and so are borders. Is your tag relevant to the content of your website?

What other improvements could you make to improve the appearance of your website? Your banners should be enticing in appearance and inviting to your visitor. Little things make a difference.

If your website does not have an inviting appearance, the customer may leave and not buy anything simply because he or she is “turned-off” because of the looks of your website.


In summary, remember to keep your article relevant to the contents of your website, sell your ideas, keep the appearance of your article appealing, and watch your spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

Also, study your website for improvements. These things mentioned above together should definitely give you immensely high targeted traffic.

Shubham ChopraAbout the Author:

I am Shubham Chopra, founder of Marketing Savior and an exuberant content creator with a great zest for providing insightful reviews about digital products that will help startups & SMEs penetrate into the online world easily. Check out this in-depth guide on how to activate Semrush free trial.

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2 Responses to “22 Tips To Increase Your Website Traffic For Making More Sales”

  1. shanmugam says:

    It’s usefull information, Thanking you.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you with more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks again.

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