Frequent upgradations by google in the algorithm of search engine optimization creates several challenges for the experts. More than 500 changes are made in 50 weeks and hive the experts a view that it has become a hobby of google. The basic understanding of an SEO expert is to make sure that the content posted by the expert appears most frequently. This job requires a smart brain and a variety of techniques to crack methods with which the content is viewed more by the internet surfer. If the content is appearing in more searches, it surely has a better chance to increase leads on the online platform and can further result in increased sales.The article presents a few techniques that could help you drag more traffic to your content and can increase conversion chances.User Experiences:Google has ranked RankBrain in third place to rank a website. Are you confused about what RankBrain is? Well, you are not alone. It is a criterion that enables google to rank websites constructed through machine language tools. This feature of google analyses the details of the interaction of the website with the search results and generates a ranking based on these analyses. The period of the client to stay on a website also counts and plays an important role in ranking. If visitors lose interest in a few seconds and go for another search result, the ranking decreases while spending more time creates a positive influence on the website. Tail keywords of the medium are the best choice around which website optimization needs to be carried out. Synonyms of medium tail words can also be utilized and will result in an automatic generation of the ranking of your platform. You might be wondering what a healthy time to spend on a site by the visitor to achieve a strong ranking is? The build-up time is most important, including the loading of the website; however, 200 seconds is a healthy time to be spent by the visitor to dwell a good ranking.Renovate The Landing Page:An attractive landing page is always a good way to interact with customers or visitors. The most important characteristic that one must consider in the renovation of a page is to make sure that the page is interactive and engaging. The use of different techniques can prove fruitful. The content needs to be engaging so that the visitor reads it, and you can gain some time for ranking your website. A preferred common technique is the utilization of content which is trending and rephrasing it so that the individuals visiting the page have the urge to read it and the hosts can capitalize the time to gain ranking even if the visitor is not converted into a sale. Questions answers, queries, images, statistics, quotes are some common tricks. Focussing on the quality of the content can earn you great rewards. The presentation of the content needs to be in such a pattern that one might doubt if it is an art gallery or a website. This does not mean that you should post numerous pictures or pictograms. Upon reviewing the page, you will be able to detect the areas where you need to focus on. Once the focus of visitors is detected where they are focussing. You can improve its content and add more content related to the topics of interest of visitors. Adding more sub-content related to the articles that drag most of your visitors is also a good choice. Sections like related articles or people also find interesting could help you further. Frequent audits can lead to better and speed up procedures.Video Marketing:The increasing trends towards memes and videos have included them as a source to bring traffic to the website; however, the up-gradation in the algorithm has excluded meme as a better source. While marketing using video is a good source of traffic; however, the potential of this source is not recognized to the extent major SEO experts claim it to be. The believers of video marketing are those who focus on quality over quantity. The common belief is that having increased index pages do not ensure that you will be able to attract more traffic to your website or desired pages.On the other hand, using the correct strategies can be more productive and bring greater visitors to your page that will result in a better ranking of the website. Video ranks as the most engaging medium to attract visitors. The utilization of creative ideas enables you to attract more traffic and engages the audience for a longer duration. The untapped abilities of the video is also a better engaging opportunity and provide better user experiences. The predictions associated with video marketing tools are phenomenal and are projected to make up around 80% of the entire traffic online. Around half of the visitors online in the past couple of years are found to be interested in video content and helped the websites attain rank through their video marketing techniques. Key techniques include renaming videos that are not getting the desired reach. Better video quality helps in providing an increased extent of viewers, along with the integration of videos with as much content as possible.Comprehensive And Ageless Content:The nature of the content present on the site is also important. A good choice would be the selection of content that never gets outdated. The selection of such content would help you to grow exponentially. A tip is to write content related to subjects where the resources are not changing frequently. An example of such an area is academics where general guidelines or tips related to essays or dissertations never change frequently, and the common misconceptions can be easily identified. The utilization of such techniques that keep you in the run and require less and efficient efforts are better. Social sharing content was a better choice for the past few years, but the changes in the algorithm have depleted the technique, but several experts are practising the same technique and making their efforts go in vain. The content must be able to give a complete idea of the area it discusses. It can be brief, but leaving an idea without purpose would result in negative outcomes. Therefore the content must be ageless and comprehensive.Conclusion:To sum up the article, it could be said that you need to be aware of the algorithms up-gradation by google as it is very frequent. Creative and less effort putting techniques are also more favorable as they enable you to spend efforts in other dimensions and make sure that your efforts help increase visitors on site. This would save your time which you can put into other creative ways that could help you achieve the desired goal. You also need to be aware of the trends that the market is flowing and follow the trends to keep yourself in the run.About the Author:Alexa Bliss is a practicing nurse and is associated with the field for past 15 years. She helps the students of her field through the platform of nursing assignments. Students find her guide helpful and become able to enhance their grades and understandings related to certain topics.Find Me On Facebook | Twitter