You Are Viewing Monthly Archive: December 2019


Why Print Brochures Are Still A Big Deal In Marketing Luxury Brands?

If you are in a business that provides products or services that are at the high end, then you are probably well aware that marketing strategies can be very different from those for businesses that offer mainstream products, budget products, or products that appeal to different niche markets. Gettin...

Best Social Media Marketing Strategies For Future

Time has changed and so has the manner in which customers buy, producers sell and marketers promote. Of lately, there has been a huge transformation in the form of traditional marketing, adding newer avenues to channelize a product or to be precise, promote a brand. A major role here has been played...

A Short Guide On Best Ways To Prevent Phishing Attacks

Phishing sounds like fishing. Right? Well, both have a similar meaning to some extent. But here we will talk about phishing. Fishing means catching the fishes by luring them with bait. Phishing is the same thing, but with a slight difference. While it doesn’t lure the fishes, it tricks web users i...

Small Data Is Big, A Current Trend – INFOGRAPHICS

More and more large businesses are in the market for Big Data services nowadays so that they can streamline their operations and stay competitive in the local, national, and global settings. Large companies may be under the spotlight due to Big Data, but small companies shouldn’t shy away from suc...

Marketing Miracle: How To Create A Great Brand?

A great brand is a key to a thriving business. Creating a great brand might feel overwhelming, but it’s not as difficult as you think. Here are five simple steps to creating a great brand. Know Your Brand’s Target Audience: Knowing your target audience is imperative to branding. Without knowing ...

Do You Want To Work From Home? A Startup Guide

As a result of digital development, it’s easier than ever before to work from anywhere, and many people take advantage of the opportunity to work from home. But some people find it challenging to have a productive work rhythm at home. It requires a high degree of independence and a good set of rou...

Insider Tips On Choosing A Web And App Development Service

According to Statista the number of smartphone users around the globe stands currently at over 3.3 billion and is expected to reach 4 billion by the year 2022. What that means is every second person owns a smartphone, and the ratio of smart device users is even larger. Well, that is what the statist...