You Are Viewing Monthly Archive: November 2016

Get Social Share Counts Of URL With Pure JavaScript
November 23rd, 2016 | 2 Comments | HTML-CSS-PHP-JavaScript / JavaScript Codes | Do you want to show your url share count of pinterest, facebook, twitter and google plus to your user then its time to get total social share counts of url with pure javascript little script. socialcount.js is a tiny JavaScript library for getting the counts that a specific website (URL) has been sh...
6 Reasons Why By 2020 Your Email Will Not Land In Inbox?
November 22nd, 2016 | 0 Comments | Guest Post / Internet / Internet Information | Email marketing has been there on the market over 10 years. Within these years, email marketing has been lots of ups and downs as well as it has gone through numerous modulations. However, with it has existence in the market for so many years, it is clear that emails are not obsolete. In fact, with ...
Attributes Of Business: What Managers Need To Succeed
November 21st, 2016 | 0 Comments | Business Needs / Guest Post | Every manager wants to be the best. Not only does being the best bring promotions and other financial benefits, but it also brings personal satisfaction in a job well done. But being the best at managing is a lot more than just hard work and people skills. It’s all about balancing resources to...
25+ SEO Mistakes That You Make & How You Can Fix Them?
November 20th, 2016 | 2 Comments | Blogging Tips / Infographs | As a powerful method that can help to substantially improve your website’s ranking & traffic, SEO is must used digital marketing technique. It can help improve your brand’s visibility, thereby helping you grow your business in the online world. Plus, it can help boost your sales, resulting ...
Why Outsourcing Is Great For Start Up Businesses?
November 19th, 2016 | 4 Comments | Business Needs / Guest Post | Starting a business is no easy task, it takes a lot of time, effort and money. It will take you time to plan and brainstorm with your business partners, or with yourself if it is a sole proprietorship. We all know how hard it is to start a business financially. Everything that you do with […]...
7 Tips For Creating Engaging Product Descriptions On Your E-Commerce Store
November 18th, 2016 | 0 Comments | ECommerce / Guest Post | Are your product descriptions working like they are supposed to? Is your content showing appeal to the customers, or is it even readable? When it comes to producing product descriptions a good merchant must give in all the time it needs. Without a product description advocating your product’s supe...