You Are Viewing Monthly Archive: April 2015


How To Decrypt Lotus Notes Mail?

Lotus Notes is mostly adapted because it is the foremost application for security. It is layered with multiple security restrictions which ultimately protects the data in best way possible. Its “defense in depth” technique is remarkable and Lotus Notes claims to be first widely accepted email pl...

Conversion Rate Optimization Tips For Small Businesses

Many small businesses are still in the dark when it comes to the performance of their websites. What makes a website an effective sales and marketing tool? There’s only one answer: its conversion rate – the percentage of visitors who actually make a purchase. If you’re wondering how to...

Know The Ways To Fix Windows Registry Errors

With the advent of internet age, computers have become primarily an important mode of communication in daily life. Imagining a life without computers is like seeing a worst nightmare. The increased use leads to number of problems like slow functioning, virus, malwares, and spywares and so on. The mo...

Chrome 42 Beta: A Boon For Desktop And Smartphone Users

Google recently released the Chrome 42 beta version. The latest browser is suitable for devices running on Windows, Mac, Linux and Android. This version has been added with exciting features. Back in the year 2008, Chrome was launched by Google. Today, it has become one of the most popular Web brows...

All Interesting Stats & Facts About Apple – Infographic

One of the biggest companies in the world, consequently, Apple is also one of the most sought after employers. They are also based out of many countries and their devices can be found globally. Apple is known for its congenial but competitive work atmosphere and here are some top facts about Apple a...

Successful Event Blog Planning Tips Via Psychology

Planning an event takes a lot of work. There are dozens and dozens of decisions to be made and details to be managed. Everybody expects this. What you might not expect, though, is how little what *you* think should happen actually matters in the decision making process. Seriously! Yes, okay, this is...

How To Completely Remove 404 Not Found Pages In Google WebMaster?

The 404 or Not Found error message is an HTTP standard response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with a given server, but the server could not find what was requested.The web site hosting server will typically generate a “404 Not Found” web page when a user attempt...