You Are Viewing Monthly Archive: December 2014


What Is The Importance Of Mobile Friendly Site In 2015?

Wherever you look around yourself these days, you will find people burying their heads in their favorite Android or iPhone devices. This is not just your neighborhood gadget freak who loves to stay updated about the latest developments in mobile technology or a teenager who is much into socializing ...

How To Setup OpenDNS Or GoogleDNS In Windows 7?

If you are experiencing internet connection errors and your internet connection is working fine then it means that there is a DNS problem and your internet service provider DNS is not working well. It also may be occur if local internet service provider probably doesn’t have the fastest DNS server...

Quick History Of HTML5 And What To Expect In The Future?

In today’s world it is important for a business to have a website. Regardless of what you CMS system or language you use you simply cannot run out of HTML (hypertext markup language). HTML is one of the oldest set of code that developers and designers use in order to develop a website. Last couple...

How To Launch An App That Leaves High Impact On The World?

You must have seen apps going viral these days. This is normal these days but have you ever wondered how these applications go viral? Are these apps just destined to get viral or there is some kind of strategic mind behind all this? There is definitely a planned strategy behind all this. So if you [...

Most Useful Custom WooCommerce Products Loops Snippet

As you know that WooCommerce is a free WordPress ECommerce plugin that will convert your blog into an online shopping store. Now there are many theme available that are designed by WooCommerce staff or third parties to make your store stylish and beautiful but if you want to make your own then it wi...

Display WooCommerce Recent Or Latest Products From Single Category

Woocommerce is a free Ecommerce plugin for WordPress blog that will change over your WordPress blog into a web shopping store page. Without a minute’s dithering there are diverse point open by Woocommerce staff or untouchables to make your store sweet however in the event that you have to make...

Twitter Remarketing: A WordPress And Marketing Hack

WordPress is an excellent platform to build a website on, that’s more than clear. What may not be clear is how exactly you can connect it to your social media marketing efforts, and how you can use your WordPress based website as a tool for capturing online leads....