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Suggestions On Web Design To Effectively Narrate The Story Of Your Brand

Good stories are remembered throughout the ages, if not the details but the emotions that were evoked by the same. Now, the noted brands also follow the same principle while displaying information through website. It is crucial for the brands to reflect a strong story through their website. A brand without a unique story will soon be forgotten. Web designers, developers, graphic designers play an important role in this respect. They have to incorporate various aspects of designing such that the website stands apart from the others. Often the small businesses suffer from the web shame because their website fails to represent their mission.

Consistency Is The Key:

Website is the face of the business and it is important for the site to convey a strong message to build a relationship with the readers. High-quality content is integral to this process, to urge the readers to return to your site. Providing value to the readers is of utmost importance for any website. For a good website, it is important to be consistent. Each of these pages should be consistent not only with the brand identity but also with the message that is mentioned in the homepage and in other pages of the site. It has been noticed that the homepages are engaging but as the readers scan through different pages, the effect mars and they end up glancing through a document rather than an interactive content.

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Reflect The Personality Of The Brand:

Readability is another important factor that you need to consider. Readers are in quest in quality content rather the color or the layout used in the website. Identify the items that will contribute to express the identity of your brand through your website. The personality of the brand should be reflected through the designs of the website. In a recent research, it has been noticed that almost eighty percent of the adults use smartphones and other portable devices to browse the net.


Assess The User Experience:

As a web designer, you need to understand how the target audiences experience the brand even when using the portable devices. UX plays a significant role in determining the success of a website. Note the different components of designing and determine the one that will be applicable for your website. Full-screen background, resolution of the images use of video in the homepage, Infographics used in the site all are considered in this process.

Balance Between Various Elements:

Use of headings, subheadings and graphics in different pages enables the readers to scan through the information at a convenient pace. Balance between the interactive elements and other content in the web page are essential for an effective narration of your brand’s story. When you narrate the story of your brand through the website, it is important to formulate a character and design your websites likewise based on the aforementioned criterions regarding web designing. Like every story has a climax, in the websites the Call To Action buttons serve as the climax. This is because you would always want your readers to take some action after the completion of the story.

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Narrate Story Through Social Media:

Though integrating the story of your brand with marketing strategies is not a new concept, but with the emergence of the social media has changed the same to a great deal. If you intent to narrate the story of your brand through the social media site, then make your about us section interesting and attractive. You can also post a blog in regular interval to update the readers regarding your activities and also the trend of the industry. Use of graphics and images us a great way to showcase the success of your brand. Infographics is also helpful in this regard as it helps to portray the evolution of the brand in an interactive way.

Charlie BrownAbout the Author:Charlie Brown is a web designer and he has helped many of his clients to narrate the story of their brand through websites. He has suggested the points that you need to follow for designing these sites.

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6 Responses to “Suggestions On Web Design To Effectively Narrate The Story Of Your Brand”

  1. i have same probleme with my costumers how can i sturctur all ideas

  2. Mathew says:

    Many thanks for good suggestions on web design. I have been reading post which have interesting ideas. I have gone through your post and found some useful tips. Web design should be creative and innovative. This can help a lot to increase traffic. If web design company creates a website which has an attractive layout and search engine friendly by using tools like Word Press for Content management system can help a lot. Once again thank you for sharing a great article. Keep sharing such interesting information.

  3. Thomas says:

    Thank you very much for giving informative article on web design as it is useful to many web design company. Web design is changing as google is changing its rule regarding website. To make it suggestion. I have gone through your innovative and creative post and like almost all the points but most of I like is about consistency. As this point consists about the website maintenance of website. For any website content and maintaining it throughout is key to make traffic regular. Good to read to your post. I also like the points that Mathew has discussed in comment.

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