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The Life and Times of Bill Gates – Nearing the Big 60

Bill Gates will celebrate his 59th birthday on October 28th, 2014 and to mark this special occasion, we decided to look at the life and times of this exceptional human being. A billionaire at the age of 31, Gates has achieved what many would consider impossible in such a short space of time.

At age 11, he enrolled in Lakeside School, one of a handful of schools in the US with a computer terminal at the time. It’s here that Gates, along with his friend, Paul Allen, developed a passion for computers and programing. From here he set the wheels in motion for the establishment of one of the biggest and most powerful companies in the world, Microsoft.

Find out about his monumental path to success with Microsoft in our insightful infographic. Also, discover a few things about Gates that you probably didn’t know. For example, in 1977, Gates was arrested in New Mexico for jumping a red light and driving without a licence. Also,
in an interview, Gates admitted that the Control-Alt-Delete log-in on PCs was a “mistake.” Get to know more about the legendary tech genius that is Bill Gates in our infographic below.

The Life and Times of Bill Gates - Nearing the Big 60

This Infograph is shared here after legal permission from RoamingTech

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4 Responses to “The Life and Times of Bill Gates – Nearing the Big 60”

  1. Brent Jones says:

    Love the Jobs / Gates comparison. The two men most often compared in tech history, I bet.

  2. I salute Bill Gates he is my ideal. I got a ultimate zeal after reading this article. Thanks for bring this. If you have more update on this blog. I will wait

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