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Blogger Vs WordPress – Why I Still Says Blogger Is Awesome?

Blogging is a platform where you can post your articles without editing anything else like in website. Blog is a CMS that will generate all required coding behind automatically to make a new page in your Blog and do whatever your blog want to do with a new page.

Now there are two Blogging platform in the world that are oldest and most popular. Blogger and WordPress. Both are for blogging purpose and widely used by the world users.

Short Info Of Blogger:

Blogger was launched by “Pyra Labs” in August 23, 1999 and bought by Google Inc. in 2003. Generally, the blogs are hosted by Google at a subdomain of “”. A user can have up to 100 blogs per account. Read More On WikiPedia

Short Info Of WordPress:

WordPress was released by some guys on May 27, 2003. WordPress powers more than 17% of the web – a figure that rises every day. Everything from simple websites, to blogs, to complex portals and enterprise websites, and even applications, websites, eCommerce and whatever you want are built with WordPress. Read More On WikiPedia


We were on Blogger since 2007 so here we will share the reason why we still like BLogger. We will run a comparison of facts below then you can see yourself why its betters then WordPress.

1.) Security:

Blogger is owned by Google and having the login from your Google account that are secured much then any other hosting companies that you know better. The security is guaranteed by Google and in WordPress you will host your blog on a hosting company which charge you a lot of $$$ still are not secured as Google and will not Guarantee your blog security.

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2.) Space For Data:

Blogger have no limits of space in saving text. Rest its connected with many Google other accounts that have GBs of space for free and can be use in Blogger like Picassa, Google Drive, Google Projects. These all can be use to keep your Blogger data. In short f you are logging daily to your GMail then you will get keep increasing in your data space and in WordPress, every GB is a worth in $$$.

3.) Data Bandwidth:

Blogger have unlimited bandwidth where in WordPress, it depends upon your $$$ that how much will you pay you will get bandwidth. You can run off anytime from your bandwidth then you have to buy more with more $$$.

4.) Server Load:

Blogger does not have any load limit like we have seen over 3000+ visitors online in realtime and in WordPress, a normal shared hosting can only keep a load of 100+ only in good hosting. If you get ore then they will ask more $$$ and tell you to go to there Dedicated Servers that will be available in $$$$$$.

5.) Server Up/Down:

Blogger was down in 2013 for 0.X sec only but WordPress depends upon your hosting and hosting depends upon you $$$ and still it will be go down if you will get extra load still paying extra $$$.

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6.) Server Response:

Blogger have a response time in mille seconds where as every WordPress hosting min have in sec that you know better if you are a webmaster and if you got load on your server then it can be in two digit sec also.

7.) SEO Updates:

All basic and important SEO option are officially available in Blogger and if you will check out normal WordPress then there is no SEO supported option. You have to use Plugins that can make your blog heavy too and less secure also.

8.) Template Editing:

If you want ot learn web designing the you can learn all basic on Blogger as its easy and only one page where you have to edit template and that will effect you whole blog as in WordPress there and too many files that even hard to find a code only not to replace.

9.) Easy Coding:

Blogger base on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, GML only and in WordPress, there is a PHP that is hard for newbies and also complex and need $$$ to run on server too. Blogger can contain all coding manually too and in WordPress you have to see other coding first before adding yours.

10.) Free Resources:

Blogger all resources are 100% free and officially no resources are mentioned to use and in WordPress, from security to SEO all are by Plugins and in real WordPress is only a name rest it run bu Plugins that’s are expensive too.

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11.) SEO Attacks:

As you know that Google is releasing SEO updates regularly like Panda, Pigeon, Penguin etc and all are just deleting sites from Google search engine but if you will go in deep then you will find that 75%+ of these updates only attack on WordPress blog only as Blogger is own by Google itself that’s why every new blog without even post in on Google First page.

12.) Free Or $$$:

Finally the main difference is that Blogger is 100% free with all features and WordPress need $$$ even to have min features and still cant stand in front of blogger until Google itself release WordPress blogging platform.

Last Words:

So this is the comparison due to this we were on Blogger since 2007 and still have our all other blogs in Blogger. Yes, if you are a WordPress user then you will vote them but we used both and suing both so we have to real experience instead of learning only. So finally EXEIdeas recommend every newbie personal blogger to use Blogspot that is awesome in free of cost. We also have a lot of tutorials, codes, widgets, customization articles of Blogspot in this blog so anything you want to know can get from here.

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8 Responses to “Blogger Vs WordPress – Why I Still Says Blogger Is Awesome?”

  1. great post!!!
    thanks for such an important and intersting sharing.

  2. Gary Graefen says:

    I have always preferred Blogger for the above reasons and more.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome Here And Thanks For Showing Your Love With Blogger. These Are The Reason That’s Why We Recommend Every New Blogger To Start From Blogspot.

  3. PaulTsang says:

    Great post! Love your website.

  4. nandhini says:

    Thanks for sharing.We want more updates from you.nice blog.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you with more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks again.

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