You Are Viewing Monthly Archive: July 2014

How To Fix “author” Error In Structured Data hatom For Blogger?

After receiving many request, here we are with another needed article for bloggers. As you know about Google Structured Data is used to display your site on search engine result perfectly so we have to make sure that this is correct on out blog… There are many error regarding this and some are...

3 Chat Scripts For Your Website To Facilitate More Interpersonal Interaction

The sources of online communication and digital marketing have taken some giant strides, the likes of which seemed improbable a decade back. While there have been remarkable transformations in multiple domains, there are a few communication tools and techniques that have remained timelessly relevant...

How To Advertise On Pinterest? A Guide For Newbies

Pinterest is now better known as one of the legitimate social media networks because its usership and popularity has grown to a reasonably large size, and because it has a widget that is seen on many websites. Its widget is often seen next to the Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ widget because its pre...