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How To Eliminate Render-Blocking JavaScript And CSS In Blogger?

As you have checked your Blogger blog in “Google Page Speed Insight” and found that you have some red error and your blog speed is very down that is not acceptable. This was not before but since an update on Google Panda 4.0, You have to consider this too as this can harm your site ranking too. If you will have a static website then its so easy to remove these error and clear out your site but in Blogger, its too difficult because these files are not in your control even not visible while editing template but here we are to make this easy and solveable too.

Now you have to follow some tutorial that we shared earlier but due to no release of SEO update, they were unusable for users but we know that this will happen one day so we shared it before. Now first of all you have to follow some old tutorial that we shared on our blog. To solve this issue, we are dividing this tutorial in two step as one is for JavaScript and other is for CSS. So now proceed to the tutorial.
How To Eliminate Render-Blocking JavaScript And CSS In Blogger

Table of Contents

Eliminate Render-Blocking CSS:

Here to clear out all CSS error, first you have to gain control on Blogger default CSS file that is hide while editing template. So here we will make it visible first.

Step-1:) Remove Blogger official CSS files. (How To Remove/Hide Blogger Official CSS In Your Custom Template?)

Step 2:) If your template is using these official CSS files mean that after removing your blog get messed up while viewing on your browser then add the below line before Blogger </head> Tag.
<link type=’text/css’ rel=’stylesheet’ href=’’ />

Step 3:) Now optimize your CSS to avoid Render-Blocking. (How To Optimize External CSS File For Better Loading?)

Step 4:) Save and done.

Eliminate Render-Blocking JavaScript:

Here to clear out all JavaScript error, first you have to gain control on Blogger default javascript file that is hide while editing template. So here we will make it visible first. (Note: This will not work if your template is using “Variable” in coding.)

Step-1:) Remove Blogger official JavaScript files. (How To Remove/Hide Blogger Official Widgets JS In Your Custom Template?)

Step 2:) Now check your blog and if you found that your widget are stop working then leave or undeo the step 1 and Clear “Level Browsing Cache” Error In Blogger. (How To Clear “Level Browsing Cache” Error In Blogger?)

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New To Blogging Then Here Is SEO Stuffs For Newbie Bloggers

Step 3:) Now optimize your JavaScript to avoid Render-Blocking. (How To Optimize External JavaScript File For Better Loading?)

Step 4:) Save and done.

Last Words:

As you can see that we shared no codes here to clear out this error, we just shared link of our old articles that we shared earlier and if you have followed them then you dont need to follow this or to have this error now. So now without any extra time, make your template backup and start working on it. Don’t worry if you cant do it becasue we are here to help you as we are doing so feel free to contact us if you need help.

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6 Responses to “How To Eliminate Render-Blocking JavaScript And CSS In Blogger?”

  1. iliyas shaikh says:

    Thank you very much
    exeideas always rock

  2. dede says:

    thank you for the way you write is very helpful

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