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7 Great Tips For Social Media Optimization (SMO)

7 Great Tips For Social Media Optimization (SMO)

You’ve read the title and the chances are you’re worrying. You never knew this was a new type of marketing, so what are you going to do? It’s actually just a fancy abbreviation for prepping your social media channels for Google. Google has placed more of an SEO emphasis on social media. Prepare every channel using these great tips.

So now here we are sharing the most discussed Top 7 great tips for Social Media Optimization (SMO) below.

1.) Consistent Branding:

Make life easy for Google to connect and index your pages by offering consistent branding. Consistent branding means using the same colors and logos. This is branding at its most basic. You’d be surprised at how many companies fail to brand in this manner, though.

It’s not only ideal for Google. It’s easier for your customers to associate your different social media channels with you. This is how you build a brand.

2.) Anchor Your Website:

When we say anchor your website, we mean use it as a central hub. There’s nothing worse than having little unconnected pocket communities scattered around the Internet.

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It makes branding sense, as well. After all, the goal of social media is to bring people to your website and turn them into paying customers.

Encourage people to click through to your website. Share your web content on social media regularly. And incorporate social media links prominently on your website.

3.) Sharing Content:

Shares have the biggest effect on your Google ranking. They also increase your chances of winning more customers because more people become exposed to you.

Making shareable content is easier said than done. Tap into the trends of the day. Monitor what’s popular on social media and attempt to replicate it through your brand.

Here’s a little bonus tip, as well: simply asking for someone to share your content is more successful than you’d think.

4.) Types Of Content:

Plain text content isn’t particularly visible and it rarely encourages sharing. Look at the most successful brands on social media and you’ll see they mix and match content all the time.

For a start, you’ll see that images feature prominently. They will always be more visible in any news feed, so they instantly catch the eye. Change things up with some videos and live streams, as well.

5.) Taking It Too Far:

There’s such a thing as taking SMO too far. Site owners become so preoccupied with social media that they don’t realize what they’re sharing.

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If you have nothing interesting to share, avoid sharing completely. Those horrible YouTube videos you have at 240p shouldn’t be shared. Always prioritize quality over quantity.

6.) Paid Advertising:

Sometimes paid advertising can boost your sales and increase your conversions. Again, avoid getting carried away. Sometimes it’s better to use companies like and get them to increase your numbers through other SEO methods.

Save paid advertising for particularly large announcements that must be seen. Furthermore, it’s a good idea to invest in some test adverts. Target different customer groups and look into targeting different devices.

7.) Encourage Engagement:

Boosting engagement is important. It’s how Google monitors the most popular brands. If you want to get more traffic and climb up the search engine rankings, you need to encourage some level of engagement.

There are a variety of ways to do this. Once you get everything up and running it will get easier. Here are some of our favorite ideas for improving the number of people engaging with your brand:

  • Special Offers: Asking for a comment in exchange for a special offer can be effective.
  • Competitions: Caption competitions are an old favorite.
  • Collaboration: Work with other channels and share their content. The more popular it is the greater the chance of success.
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9 Responses to “7 Great Tips For Social Media Optimization (SMO)”

  1. Sesejuk Pagi says:

    paid advertising just for who can paid, but i cannot

  2. very nice and useful post,great techniques

  3. cara says:

    good idea i know my web is new but i try to do your tips, nice share will you give a tips on my web

  4. aswinichinnu121 says:

    Thanks for sharing this valuable information. It’s a great article . I completely agree with this article. I got so many new points through this article. It is very useful for SMO.

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