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EXEIdeas – Let's Your Mind Rock » FaceBook / FaceBook Tricks » How To Write Linkable Blue Text In Facebook Status/Comment?

How To Write Linkable Blue Text In Facebook Status/Comment?

How To Write Linkable Blue Text In Facebook Status/Comment?

Today the questios is that “How To Write Linkable To Clicker Profile Blue Text In Facebook Status, Comments, Photos And Videos To Attract Your Friends, Fans And Subscriber?” After my previous articles about How To Write Numeric Code Of Facebook Page/Profile For Facebook? and How To Write Facebook Post With Different Tag Or “See More” Link?. Now I am her with another cool code for facebook status and comments that are generally known as BlueText, this with change your simple status into a BlueText that are also linkedable to user profile page, if you click on that text, you will be redirect to your profile and if your visitor will click on your status and comment it will be redirect to there profile page.

It will attract your friends and subscriber to read out your status and comment and they like it very well. It’s agsain simple as was my previous code, just copy the below provided code and paste it into your status and comment than change your text and press Enter, that’s it…

That gonna be fun, Isn’t this amazing trick to make text Blue in color? so enjoy impressing your friends on Facebook and do share this trick if they ask you how its done.

Table of Contents

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How To Enable Facebook TimeLine?

How To Get Your Status Code?

You Can Make You Facebook ID Numeric Code Easily.
Here Is The Formula…


Just Change This YourTextHere With Your Desired Text.

How To Get ID Code?

How To Put On Your Facebook Profile?

Here You Get Your LINK CODE For Your Facebook.
Copy Paste Your LINK CODE To Facebook Status Or Comment And Press Enter.


Note: The Link Will Be At This Blue Text, So Feel Free To Use Because It’s Not A Spam Or Scam.

You Like It, Please Share This Recipe With Your Friends Using...

32 Responses to “How To Write Linkable Blue Text In Facebook Status/Comment?”

  1. Ashish says:

    Please see this @ admin
    U have some bad links —

  2. Anonymous says:

    how ca i link it in other profile

  3. googma says:

    Thank you friend for your best ideas. i love this one.

  4. Anonymous says:

    How do I logout from likelo supposing I dont’t want ð application to run in my abscence.

  5. Cindy Wu says:

    But any one can help me to know about the back link method. I mean i want to put the blue text as see more. When some one click on this link they will redirect to my fanpage. How can this will be possible.

  6. Praveen Bhardwaj says:

    I wanted to know this trick from a long time. Now finally I got it. Thanks for sharing. Great post!!

  7. Thanks for share!
    Can you guide to give text link on comment facebook?

  8. Thanks Muhammad Hassan for your share!
    I have a problem, can you see this status facebook:

    Near “share” button is “đấm phát chết luôn”, click that —> other link …
    Can you do that?

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome Here And Thanks For Liking, We Didn’t Have This Code Yet But We Will Share This Soon. Be With Us To Get This Or More…

  9. Michael William says:

    Hello, i wanted to do sometn like this ‘I love you, continue reading…’ i want the ‘continue reading..’ to turn blue and redirect to my page. How do i do that?

  10. L0ver B0y says:

    Hi, Bro Which I get Likes Fr0m This Site For My Fan Page Plz Help me.

  11. kolliesMSG says:

    bosss ……. @@[1:[0:1: i am shafeeq ]] i enter this code but showing ? mark .. what is this ?? i want click this text show my page : please help me

  12. Thanks for share but the same Facebook fixed, I can’t practice them 🙁

  13. Laxman Boffin says:

    Dude I’m Sorry To Come Up With This.

    Actually Now This Isn’t Working At All.. I Guess, There Must Need Some Changing.. I Had Tried To Update Via Mobile And Desktop But Nothing Worked Out.. and I Also Want To Tag Somebody With Different Names On Facebook.. At Providing Only Single ID. Please Help Me Brother !!
    Thank You In Advance..

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