You Are Viewing Monthly Archive: September 2012

How To Highlight All TextArea Content Using JavaScript Button?
September 29th, 2012 | 0 Comments | HTML-CSS-PHP-JavaScript / JavaScript Codes | ToDay The Question Is That “How To Highlight Or Select-All Entire TextArea Content Or Text Using Simple Button By Single Line JavaScript Awesome Code?”Many websites use this little Javascript functionality. It enables you to give a user the option of selecting or highlighting all text wi...
How To Hide Or Remove The Blogger Official NavBar?
September 27th, 2012 | 0 Comments | Blogspot / Blogspot Tricks | Blogger is free blogging platform by Google with lots of features which can make you a professional blogger without any huge investment as their services are totally free of cost. Well but there are some problems or you can say some inbuilt crap which comes bundled with every blog you create ...
Rising Demand For Social Presence
September 23rd, 2012 | 2 Comments | Blogspot / Blogspot SEO and SMO Tips and Tricks / Guest Post / Website / Website SEO and SMO Tips and Tricks | To face the competitive world with confidence and to stand strong in the market, you have to rely on your own social presence for sure. Your business can be successful, if it runs hand in hand with a unique and strong social presence. In the past days, to promote the products and the services of [&h...
What Role CompTIA Certification Can Play In Boosting Your Career?
September 17th, 2012 | 2 Comments | Guest Post / Information Technology | As competition has increased between businesses so the people find difficulty in finding jobs. In spite of all these reasons there are more opportunities of jobs in Computing and IT industry because every business is having a department of computer and IT in their offices and they have to keep on up...
TextArea :A Best HTML Tag To Write Something Online.
September 17th, 2012 | 2 Comments | HTML Codes / HTML-CSS-PHP-JavaScript | Today we will talk about TextArea (A Best HTML Tag For Providing The Visitor To Write Something.)Embed textareas in HTML documents using the <textarea> tag. Any text placed between the opening and closing textarea tags will be rendered inside the textarea element as the “default” t...
Latest HD Cool Graphics Facebook Emotion Codes
September 15th, 2012 | 0 Comments | FaceBook / FaceBook Codes | Facebook Emotions are very useful to attract your friends attention toward you.But from many time Facebook don’t introduce new smiles. But today We are going to introduce new Facebook emotions 2012. As we know that social networking site of Facebook is very famous today in all over world to ma...