You Are Viewing Monthly Archive: June 2012

Lot Of Applications To Tweet More Than 140 Word In Twitter

Lot of people who use Twitter for expressing there thoughts but they are bound to write only 140 words didn’t know why, I Think That Twitter Have Lo HDD…:-) Any way this problem is now solved by many third parties sites as there are providing you to tweet more than 140 word through many ...

Simple JavaScript Text + Image Slider For Blog And Website

As we have seen many of awesome and stylish sliders that are really coll while working but they have a lengthy code with heavy JQuery that often disturb your template and also increase your blog and website loading time so high so that visitor ger anger and leave your site o...

Fixed Top Bar With Close Button For Blog And Website

This fixed at top bar is the demand of new Era so i am just here to share it with you so that you can add your most important news or anything which you want to show your visitor at first sight when he comes on your blog.So here is that bar which will remain fixed at top either [...

Awesome And Stylish Custom 404 Page With List Of All Posts

Whenever a web server is unable to locate a requested page, it returns a 404 error. These errors are often caused by users who input wrong addresses, but a site redesign can also result in a lot of incoming links that point to nonexistent pages or deleted. A visitor who arrives at a 404 page [&helli...

How To Make All External Links DoFollow Automatically?

DoFollow backlinks are simply put, hyperlinks (url’s to another website), that do not have the “rel= nofollow” tag in the html code. When a spider crawls the html code and does not find the “nofollow” tag, it then regards this link as more important and passes on Page R...

How To Make All External Links NoFollow Automatically

Now a days after Google Panda Update there is a lot of importance of no-follow tag in links because it is the final hope to secure your PageRanks juice. One of the useful way for best Search Engine optimization for your blog is making all external links nofollow. NoFollow tag helps your blog to have...

How To Add Meta Tags For Each Post In Blogspot Or Blogger

Inability to add Meta Tags (Meta Description , Meta Keyword) to each post of Blogger blog is always remains the dark part for the SEO of blogs hosted on blogger. Meta keyword is not so important for search engines now a days but meta description is very much important. In Blogger one can only add [&...